Sunday, January 26, 2014

Synergistic Postage | Morgan Moe

Above (and below) Proposal for a synergistic postage stamp (2012) designed by Morgan Moe, in an undergraduate graphic design course at the University of Northern Iowa.


French poet GĂ©rard de Nerval, when asked about his habit of taking his pet lobster (named Thibault) for a walk in the royal gardens—

Why is a lobster any more ridiculous than a dog…or any other creature one chooses to take for a walk? I have a liking for lobsters: they are peaceful and solemn, they know the secrets of the sea, they do not bark, and they do not eat into the essential privacy of ones soul the way dogs do…Goethe had an aversion to dogs, and he was not mad.

Postage stamp © Morgan Moe (2012)

Frank Muir (You Can't Have Your Kayak and Heat It)—

Dogs, like horses, are quadrupeds. That is to say, they have four rupeds, one at each corner, on which they walk.


J.B. Morton (By the Way)—

Dr Strabismus (Whom God Preserve) of Utrecht is carrying out research work with a view to crossing salmon with mosquitoes. He says it will mean a bite every time for fishermen.