Sunday, April 5, 2015

UNI Art History Symposium | Erin Keiser 2015

Art History Symposium poster © Erin Keiser (2015)
Above Poster by Erin Keiser, graphic design student, Department of Art, University of Northern Iowa (2015), announcing the schedule for the upcoming 5th Annual Art History Symposium at the same school, beginning at 5:00 pm on Friday, April 10, 2015. This was chosen as the winning events poster by the UNI Art History faculty. The top student art history papers (to be formally presented that afternoon at 5:00 pm) were submitted by Kelly Cunningham, Dana Potter and Linda Patrick. Awards will be announced at 6:00 pm, followed by a keynote address by Ohio University art historian Dr. Jennie Klein on "Spiritual Athletes: Performing Endurance." Free and open to the public at the Kamerick Art Building auditorium on the UNI campus.


Robert MacNeil, Wordstruck: A Memoir. New York: Viking, 1989, p. 52—

If scientists could examine my brain, as they do the contents of murder victims' stomachs, they would find that I had gorged myself when young on plum puddings and fruitcakes of this seventeenth-century prose [of Anglican Church liturgy]; each word simple in itself, the combination rich and fruity, loved for the taste on the tongue, though years in the digesting; words for their own sake.